Time for an Outdoor YOGA Break at the Farmers Market! ॐ

Good morning Park City. Please join us today with Lindsey Marshall for a fun Outdoor Yoga class at 2pm. Bring your mats or a towel and invite your friends. ❤ The Park City Farmer’s Market is in full bloom (from noon till 5pm), come check out the delicious produce Utah Farmers have to offer and all of our amazing vendors and artists. See you at the market! ❤ ❤

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Outdoor Yoga in Park City ॐ

Thank you to all the yogis that have been coming out to do Yoga at the Farmer’s Market! This week, our class is from 2pm-3pm with Jean Marie Hackett. Please help us spread the word to our weekly Yoga classes, this is a class for all levels and everyone is invited! Mark Your calendars or JOIN and share the Facebook Event Page.

Join us this Wednesday at 4pm for Outdoor Yoga!ॐ

Join us this Wednesday at 4pm for an Outdoor Yoga Class with Colie Belieu, founder of barenecessitieswellness.com. Bring your mats or towels for this 45 minute class (we’re letting you out 15 minutes early to take advantage of any market shopping). This is a class for all levels and everyone is invited, bring a friend! ♥ ♥ ♥

This Week’s Outdoor Yoga Class with Corrie Bacasa 2pm ॐ

Hey Park City, we’re keeping the weekly Outdoor Yoga classes going! We’re excited to have Corrie Bacasa, founder of Yoga 4 Greatness, teach our donation-based class tomorrow at 2pm! Bring Your mats or a towel and invite Your friends -this is a class for all levels. ❤ Check out the apparel at yoga4greatness.com and use code PCFM40 to save 40% on your purchases through October 31st! ❤

Mark Your Calendars for Outdoor Yoga ॐ

Bring your YOGA mats and please join us for an Outdoor Yoga class at the Park City Farmer’s Market this Wednesday. This week, Emily Podschweit of Yoga Kula Project will be teaching a free class for everyone at 2pm. Mark Your Calendars and Invite Your friends! ❤

ॐ Outdoor Yoga at the Farmer’s Market Today ॐ

Join Trudee from Yoga Kula Project today from  2:00-3:00 pm for OUTDOOR YOGA ☀️😃 Bring your mat and get your yoga on! Everyone welcome 🙏 🌟 Let’s have some fun! 👏

Join Us for YOGA at the Farmer’s Market!

Attention all Park City Yoginis and Friends! We are offering a FREE YOGA Class next Wednesday, July 3rd at 2pm! Bring Your Yoga Mats, Trudee from Yoga Kula Project will be teaching an introductory class for all ages. The class is free for anyone to attend (donations welcome). See you there! ❤ ❤ ❤

ॐ Yoga in Park City ॐ

Hey Park City? How many of you are regularly practicing Yoga? Have you been considering it but were looking for more info? Today we have an article submitted by Trudee Sanbonmatsu, Park City’s Best Yoga Instructor 2015 -who has great info on WHY you should all be doing Yoga! ❤ ❤ ❤

Why Should You Practice Yoga?

“Parkites” tend to be a very active group. We have Olympic athletes, regular athletes, weekend-warriors, not-so-regular athletes and the average person all living in and visiting our town. Yoga is for everyone and for every ability. I ask you: Do you want to feel more vitality, move without effort and ease the mental chatter in your mind? If so, then a regular yoga practice is for you. There are too many benefits of yoga to list them all; however, I will touch on some practical reasons that Yoga is being practiced by all ranges of those seeking to increase health, vitality and performance: from elite NFL quarterbacks to the elderly.

1. Recovery Time: You can find countless case studies of athletes and regular people who came to a full recovery from injury through yoga practice. Yoga is a growing method for injury recovery widely recommended by physicians. Not only is yoga a great method for recovery, but also helps with post-workout recovery time. After a workout, most individuals often have sore, energy-depleted muscles. Yoga can help move energy through the body and relieve what could have been several days of muscle soreness. All that is usually needed is a few poses and breath work.

2. Prevent Injury: Many sports, such as cycling and running, have very repetitive movements usually in one direction and in one plane of motion. These sports can develop certain muscle groups while ignoring others. Over time, this process causes imbalances in the muscles and joints leading to overuse injuries. For instance, tight hamstrings and hip flexors will cause the body to recruit from other joints that are not intended for bearing extra loads. Yoga is an essential counter-action, as it elongates all of the muscles that athletes spend so long contracting.

3. Increased Performance: Yoga has been shown to increase flexibility, range of motion, balance, and coordination – all of which greatly translates to decrease the risk of injury in athletes and in our everyday life. Even though we often believe it will never happen to us, the physical and emotional scars from an injury can be significant.

4. Endurance: The endurance that yoga generates leads to endurance in sports and basic everyday activities. When you learn to tune into your body and mind, everything can be a meditation; whether you are at home doing the dishes or hiking to the top of a mountain. Yoga also helps you learn how to pace yourself, slow and steady, with breath. Some researchers call this getting into the flow; as such, we can use our body and mind energy more efficiently.

5. Balance: Yoga is designed to improve the law of compensation. The law of compensation states that our bodies will default to the path of least resistance when unconscious in our activity. Generally, the path of least resistance is the most flexible and often weakest area in our bodies. Yoga teaches us to become in tune with the body. As a result, we are able to balance the body by placing special attention to symmetry. In aligning our body and stacking our bones, we discover our weaknesses as well as our strengths.

6. Body Awareness: Proprioception is the ability to perceive our body internally without our eyes, but with our minds. We can perceive the body in its position in space and the direction and speed of its movement. Through subtle actions addressed throughout a yoga class we gain an understanding of how our body moves in various ways in relation to its parts. Having this keen awareness not only helps with reaction time, but with balance and injury prevention as well.

7. Flexibility: Practicing yoga increases flexibility and ease of movement, thus increasing range of motion throughout the whole body. For example, anyone in sports that require swinging action such as tennis and golf can benefit greatly. Yoga improves your range of motion and general mobility. Most of the classical poses in yoga support the same concepts of creating torque, finding a braced neutral spinal position, and always working from core to extremity. Practicing basic yoga poses help reinforce external rotation of the hip and shoulder necessary for many basic human movements. Performing yoga poses consistently helps improve your overall flexibility leading to more mobility and an overall healthier body.

Thank you Trudee for the great info on the benefits of Yoga! If you’d like to try go to Trudees website, Yoga Kula Project for class schedules! 💟
